Martin Ebner, D’izi
Video, silent, 1 min. 17 sec, loop
Heiligenkreuzerhof, Wien 2022
Der Radwechsel
Jenna Bliss, Noémie Degen/Simon Jaton, Martin Ebner, Georgia Gardner Gray, Julia Haller, Emanuele Marcuccio, Matthias Noggler, Sveta Mordovskaya, Allen Ruppersberg, Michael E. Smith, Lukas Posch, Joanna Woś, Steffen Zillig
curated by Lukas Posch
31.03.- 30.04.2022
Universitätsgalerie der Angewandten im Heiligenkreuzerhof
Schönlaterngasse 5, Sala Terrena, 1010 Wien
”Nothing happens, again and again.
Nothing happens. And every time it does, it’s announced with a press release.“
In times of increasing technical, economical and social acceleration, a diffuse sense of cultural and political stagnation emerges. Many of us share an impression of a present which is not only increasingly inexplicable, but in which an intervention provoking substantial social change seems inconceivable. From a nervous but idle present, it seems difficult to project a euphoric vision of the future. Maybe the future can only be unknown and a key to social change lies in coincidence and devotion.
The exhibition brings together works that reflect on these circumstances, but also show possible ways out of powerlessness and offer glimpses into the unknown.
Photos: ©