slightly pushing your realities
A film program on landscape, institutional critique and others
assembled by Martin Ebner and Kerstin Cmelka
as part of
LUTZ KINOY’s Loose Bodies
December 6/7 2013
Elaine MGK
St. Alban-Rheinweg 64
CH-4052 Basel
Robert Breer : A Man and his Dog out for Air
2 min, color,1957
Maya Deren: At Land
15 min, b/w, silent, 1944
Bernhard Schreiner: Dian, Paito
7 min, b/w, 2001
Kerstin Cmelka: Et In Arcadia Ego
3 min, color, silent, 2001
Marie Menken: Glimpse of the Garden
5 min, color, 1957
Kerstin Cmelka: camera
9 min, 2002, color
David Lamelas:
A Study of Relationships Between Inner and Outer Space
20 min, b/w,1969
Owen Land:
New Improved Institutional Quality: In the Environment of
Liquids and Nasals a Parasitic Vowel Sometimes Develops
10 min, color,1976
Tamara Henderson: Accent Grave on Ananas
3 min, color, 2013
Owen Land:
On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit
and its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant-garde Artist
be Wholed
17 min, color, 1980
Many thanks to:
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Nikola Dietrich, Scott C. Weaver,
Tenzing Barshee, Hannah Weinberger
Kunsthalle Basel, Fabian Schöneich
Stadtkino Basel, Sandro Mazzoni
LUX – artists moving image, London
ARSENAL – Institut for Film- and Video Art, Berlin
sixpack film, Vienna