Oben ein Mond im grünen Bällchen
Above a moon in a small green ball
Poor Man’s Expression at Cinema Arsenal, Berlin
Friday, May 13, 2011
19.30 Program in Arsenal 2
“The Evil Faerie”, George Landow, 1966, 16mm, b/w, 1 min.
“A Leash for Fritz & Kale for Stray Bunny”,
Stephanie Taylor & Alice Könitz, 2006, video, 10 min.
“The Cut Ups”, Anthony Balch, 1967, 16mm, b/w, 20 min.
“Rat Life and Diet in North America”, Joyce Wieland
1968, 16mm, 16 min.
“Mongoloid”, Bruce Conner, 1978, 16mm, b/w, 4 min.
“The Evil Faerie”, Judith Hopf & Henrik Olesen
2007, video, color, 1 min.
21.00 Foyer:
Premiere of
“Sheikh Zayed Road” (2011) by Sebastian Luetgert.
Special screening of “Soft Materials”, Daria Martin
2004, 16mm, color, 10 min.
Plus permanent installations in the foyer,
and screenings of films by Henry Hills (“Money”),
P. White (“33 Yo-Yo Tricks”), Harry Smith and Nina Könnemann.