Ariane Müller & Martin Ebner
Quinta-feira, 5 de março, 18h / Thursday, March 5 at 6pm
ponto de encontro / meeting point: Galeria da Boavista
(Rua da Boavista 50, Lisboa)
On the occasion of a 1-month residency at the Galerias Municipais in Lisbon, we invite you to an event with the artists Ariane Mueller and Martin Ebner.
Two rooms is a walk-in, one-day presentation of works by the two Berlin-based artists Ariane Müller and Martin Ebner, which can be experienced on the evening of March 5, 2020 at Residencia Boavista.
Thematically, there are two very different blocks: feminism, as a rolling, anarchistic laughter, a research entitled Then I would like to make a happy end for once that has been shown at Starship Berlin, Kunstverein Nürnberg and as part of the exhibition de-culturalization at the Museion in Bolzano. Then there is the audio-visuality of Recycling Plastic Inevitable, a new Berlin video band, which includes the history of the methods it employs. Originating from a different context, Two rooms is an insert of these considerations into the city of Lisbon. It is an installation featuring the means that have encountered these two themes: video, music, drawing, text and its staging as performance or drama.
The 19th edition of the Berlin art magazine Starship will also be presented on this occasion.
ARIANE MÜLLER is an Austrian artist who has lived in Berlin since a residency at KW Kunst-Werke Berlin (1995). Since 2017 she has been a visiting professor for the master’s program in Fine Art at the Umea Art Academy, Sweden, and taught in 2018/19 as a professor at the HfG Offenbach. She is the author of “Handbuch für die Reise durch Afrika”, which was published in 2013 at the Kunstmuseum Basel. As a curator, she was jointly responsible for the 6th Werkleitz Biennale and many self-organized exhibitions and projects. She is currently researching on the topic of comedy and feminism. Between 1996 and 2013 she was a member of the Austrian delegation to UN-HABITAT. She is co-founder and editor of the art magazine STARSHIP.
MARTIN EBNER is an Austrian visual artist who has lived and worked in Berlin since 1995. His artistic practice in recent years has included installations, objects, video, film, projects in public spaces, photography, computer animation, drawing, performance and music and has been presented regularly in international public and private institutions. He is currently developing performances for a “Minimal Expanded” video band entitled “Recycling Plastic Inevitable”. He is the editor and editorial member of the art magazine STARSHIP, together with Ariane Müller, Gerry Bibby, Mihaela Chiriac, Nikola Dietrich and Henrik Olesen.
This residency has been supported by the Austrian Embassy in Lisbon.
Foto / Photo:
Ariane Müller, Then i would like to make a happy end for once (Folding Screen), exhibition model, 2018